

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sockless Sock Bun

Hair. Men are soooo lucky! They swipe a brush through their short little bristles maybe once a week and it still doesn't look terrible. Us girls don't have this fortunality. We are left alone to tend to our mane. When we try, it more often than not fails. If we leave it down at all, we need to carry a constant brush to smooth it down every few seconds. If we put it up, we have to make sure we have extra hair ties and pins to fix it later. Especially girls with thick hair. Mine is really thick, so it takes an hour to brush it and then another to pull it up. My friend, Anna, has long but thin hair. She never pulls it up, leaving it down all day, and as long as she brushed it that morning, it looks great. So many times I have found myself wishing for that kind of advantage.
I discovered this convenient hairdo over the summer at my cousin Mia's house in Washington. She's amazing at these, truly... mine, on the other hand... well, I'll do my best.

Make sure you have 2 hair ties on hand.

First, you pull all of the mop up into a high ponytail at the crown where all the hair comes together at the part with your first hair tie.

Then, you fan it out all over your head like this:

Next, you start pushing up each side into a ball until most of it (with a few strands hanging down) is up, like this :

Okay, now, while your holding the ball in one place with our hand, wrap the remaining strands around the ball. 
Now, stretch the second hair tie around the whole mess:

Ta da! The sock bun! I'm not really sure why they even call it a sock bun.

Extra flourishes: If you want, you can put on a head band or a folded up bandana; both of them look super cute with this. You can also bobby pin the sides of the bun down to make it flatter and not as floppy if you like it better. It looks really cute with the bandana and makeup you put on the day before, so the mascara's kind of of smudged up around your eyes. I did that once. Anything would work though, and it stays in real well, especially with the bobby pins. Try it out! :)

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